How to Diagnose coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (PJK) is the most common types of diseases from heart disease and penyabab the highest mortality for both men and women in the world. A data from the Center for disease control and prevention United mentions this disease has killed over 370,000 people annually.

Coronary heart disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart is hardened and narrowed due to a buildup of cholesterol and other substances, or better known as plaque. When plaque builds up and increasingly clog blood flow, the heart does not get a blood supply, oxygen and other essential nutrients needed the heart to function normally.

Symptoms of coronary heart disease
heart disease is a degenerative disease in coronary heart disease takes a long time in the process of formation and the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

Signs and symptoms of coronary heart disease include:

chest pain (angina) shortness of breath

heart attack Stress physically and emotionally able to trigger the tightness and discomfort in your chest, feels like there is pressure on the chest. This is called angina pain, this is a sign or symptom of coronary heart disease. Chest pain that occurs when you do heavy physical activity and disappear after a rest is also a characteristic of angina.

If you experience shortness of breath or feel very tired overload after doing sports or other physical activities can also be a sign of blockage in the coronary arteries

your heart. If the blockage in the coronary artery has been covering the entire blood line, then the risk of heart attacks is also getting bigger. A heart attack is usually marked pain in the shoulder or Your left arm or a sense of tightness (flavors on tap with powerful) on the chest area.

If you have experienced symptoms of coronary heart disease and suspect you have had a heart attack, immediately consult a doctor. In General, the doctor will make sure Your heart health by performing several tests or examinations.

How to Diagnose coronary heart disease
here are some of the usual procedure performed by a doctor to ensure that you suffer or suffer from high bersiriko PJK PJK.

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to see if you have ever had a heart attack.
Echocardiogram to see and measure levels of cardiac function
cardiac catheterization or angiogram to examine the flow of blood through your heart.
Computerized tomography (CT) scan of your heart organ to examine stacks of plaques in your arteries
. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), using MRI technology to look for blockages in blood vessels.
Causes and risk factors of coronary heart disease
buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries usually in akibatkan due to damage on the inside wall of the coronary arteries and this can be tejadi since childhood. This damage is usually in akibatkan since:

habit of smoking high blood disease

High Cholesterol Level Suffered diabetes
radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer (in the chest area)
inactive lifestyles (lazy exercise)
family history of coronary heart disease sufferers are overweight or obese

stes Level researchers are also studying other factors that can lead to coronary heart disease such as

an increase in triglycerides
lipoproterin increase in Homocystein-a
If you have some of the risk factors of coronary heart disease , such as smoke or have high blood pressure immediately checking yourself to your doctor so that you can immediately get the handling to reduce risk in the future such as lowering high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.

The treatment of coronary heart disease
When you've got the verdict of doctors that you suffer from coronary heart disease haste to change life style such as:

quit smoking
healthy meal

exercise regularly to lose weight
reduce stress
in addition to doing the above tips, treatment of coronary heart disease could also be done by taking the drug coronary artery disease,

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