How do the trick so that the sport remains convenient for the elderly?

How do the trick so that the sport remains convenient for the elderly? According to the WHO (World Health Organization), physical activity or sports for the elderly must be something fun. Sports that can be done, such as walking, dancing, gardening, or swim. In addition, it can also do sports transportation (walking or cycling), doing homework or playing sports. The benefits of exercise will not only be felt by those who are still young, but also the elderly.

According to WHO, research shows that in both men and women of advanced age, when they are actively exercising will be very beneficial for the health of their bodies. Among the benefits: Decreased the number of causes of mortality, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus, colon cancer and breast cancer. Moreover, in the body of the elderly active exercise also showed a body composition improvement, as well as the more ideal body mass. Contains profile low for risk biomarkers of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and also happens to health improvement tulangTingginya improvement health function, lowering the risk of falls, as well as demonstrate the repair function kognitifSebenarnya, how the right sports tricks, comfortable and fun which can be done by the elderly? The elderly, it is recommended to perform a type of aerobic exercise, for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity light.

An example of this Aerobic physical activities such as walking, dancing, biking, playing tennis, or play volleyball within 1 week. In addition, medium-intensity sports of weight can also be made, at least 75 minutes in 1 week. Examples of sport-weight this is aerobic, swimming, playing football, and martial arts. To further optimize the health, the elderly can also increase the duration of aerobic exercise they do become 300 hours with light intensity – are in the week, or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity weight. On the elderly with mobility of the less good it is recommended to do the exercise that aimed to improve balance by as much as 3 or more days within a week. Whenever possible, do a sport type of muscle strength training can also be done for 2 or more days within a week.

 Examples of these sports are yoga, push up/sit ups, and dancing. You, the elderly, can try to do a sport from the lightest, for example by exercising for 5-10 minutes in a day, and raise the duration of each day in order to reach the target duration you within a week. However, you must still remember to take a break when you're starting to feel fatigue, and recently started it again when the power you've accumulated back. And most importantly to you, the elderly, remember to always checked your condition before You do any type of exercise to ensure Your physical state for sure so that you can enjoy sporting activities you gemari. In addition, look for the right kind of exercise for Your body condition.

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