Tips for keeping your Heart stay healthy

Tips keep your Heart stay healthy –

The heart is the organ most vital to human life. The main function of the heart is a stream of blood to all organs of the body and bring food to the cells of organs. Next, the blood will flow back to the heart, then flowed back into the body. This process happens continuously. Tips on keeping the heart of the Remain SehatGejala heart disease most likely Someone having a heart attack, or myocardial ischemia due to lack of oxygen in the heart muscle, i.e. If the complained of the existence of chest pain or pain in the solar plexus is terrific (epigastrium), which is not caused by trauma, occurred in men aged over 35 years of age or women aged over 40 years. The main attack of heart disease symptoms are: constant Pain on dadaNyeri arm and rahangNyeri arise suddenly and very sick so that the work of the heart become inefficient, as a result of the supply of blood to the heart muscle berkurangKondisi is very dangerous, because the heart is only able to function without this supply in a short period of time, only about 20 minutes. In order to keep healthy Heart Tips Keep physical and routine exercise of balancing the number of calories obtained by physical activity and exercise to lose weight in case of obesity quitting smoking and avoiding people who smoke Control blood pressure Controlling blood cholesterol levels control blood sugar levels (diabetes) in order to Keep a healthy Heart Tips reduce the consumption of foods high in saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar and salt as well as increased consumption of fruit and vegetables. Tips in order to keep a healthy heart is still guarding it by doing some of the things that must be applied in our daily lives. Tips in order to keep a healthy heart is: changing patterns of life better. Stop smoking and consuming drinks containing alcohol. Do regular exercise helps to strengthen the heart muscle as well as helping to launch the blood circulation. For sufferers of heart disease then can do light exercise for example is like walking, jogging, gymnastics and yoga. Consume types of food that is low in fat and keep the weight to not experience the problem of obesity. Reducing the types of foods that contain sugar because one of the causes of heart disease are due to diabetes. Consuming noni juice can help lower the risk of heart disease. Consuming fruits containing high antioxidants to neutralize free radicals cause cancer and heart disease. For example you can eat Dragon fruit, mangosteen or mangosteen antioxidant-containing skin is very high as well as the soursop fruit. And it also consumed green vegetables is one of the types of foods that are good for heart health for example is by consuming vegetables broccoli good for helps meet your intake of antioxidants in the body. Free radicals will create sediment that occurs in the blood vessels so that blood flow makes the experience a blockage. Antioxidants can catch and can issue the free radicals in the body. Reduce your intake of foods that contain carbohydrates such as bread, is like rice and wheat. Consuming pure honey to help strengthen the heart muscle. The content of the substances, natural salt gul, as well as minerals in it will make the heart muscle becoming stronger so that the work of the heart will be more optimal anymore. Manage stress with good and keeping blood pressure so as not to experience the high blood disease. High blood hypertension disease will make a heart artery walls was injured. Hypertension will allow the occurrence of LDL cholesterol which entered an artery and channels will increase the buildup of plaque. Healing heart disease in TradisionalPenyembuhan heart disease using natural materials some of which are by using some natural herb as below: the fruit if fruit of the avocado will make the absorption of carotenoids in particular slowness is betakaroren and likopen. Both types of this substance is very good for heart health because it can help lower bad cholesterol levels also could go on while working in raising levels of HDL in the body. Ubi jalarManfaat from sweet potato one is healing heart disease in helping launch the body cells that have been damaged and help launch the body's circulatory system due to the content of substance fotinutrien is in it. In addition, the content of phytonutrients in sweet potatoes help to suppress blood sugar to keep it under normal circumstances and could be more effective in distancing from heart disease.

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