The Beauty Of The Sights Of Tangkuban Perahu In West Java

Mount Tangkuban Perahu | This time we will be commenting Ajax on one of the tourist objects that existed in West Java. A volcano that is still active and well-known as Mount Tangkuban Perahu. Mount Tangkuban Perahu is located in Lembang, West Java province. 20 km to the North of Bandung. With the point coordinates 6.77 ° South latitude 107.6 ° East longitude. Height of Mount Tangkuban Perahu reached 2.084 metres or about a foot above the water surface 6.837 sea. This mountain belongs to the category of Mount stratovulcano, with the eruption of the technique is quite unique, i.e. from East to West.

Mount Tangkuban Perahu have sulphur content sulphur rich, very evident when an explosive in 2013 then, it issued many types of rocks, and accompanied by lava and sulfur. Until recently no matter the status of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is still overseen by the Directorate of Vulcanologi. Some of the mountain's crater on the condition also strengthened the status of the active Tangkuban Perahu. At some point the area of Mount Tangkuban Perahu found source – source of hot water. And in normal circumstances, this mountain also released sulfur vapor.

The temperature of the attractions of Mount Tangkuban Perahu generally reaches a temperature of 17 ° C during the day, and 2 ° C in the evening. Area attractions of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is surrounded by a row of beautiful forests. Starting from the dipterokarp forest, montane forest up to ericaceus, which offers spectacular views and made thousands of pairs of eyes champions are about. The beauty of this unspoiled nature will make careful and quiet the mind be fresh.

History/Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

there is a legend that is unique about Mount Tangkuban Perahu. Even this legend is already very well known in the wider community. This legend is also believed to be the origin of the formation of Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

In ancient times there lived a woman beautiful to behold. Thanks to her beauty, she is respected by many people. The woman named Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi lived amid wilderness with his son named Sangkuriang, and a dog's pet named si Tumang. Actually the Tumang is the father of Sangkuriang, yet he does not know the matter.

One day, Sangkuriang went hunting deer along with his favorite dog, namely the Tumang. However poor, until the sinking Sun, sangkuriang cannot get hunting. He is afraid to go home, as it can be upsetting his mother. Sangkuriang decided to kill the Tumang and carrying his flesh
Arriving at home, dayang Sumbi any warm welcome the arrival of his son. He was soon cooking meat carried by Sangkuriang. Once cooked, they enjoy it together. But not over dinner with his son, Dayang Sumbi else aware of the absence of the Tumang. He asked his son about the existence of the Tumang. With a nervous and afraid, Sangkuriang confessed that he brought the meat is daaging dog that is the Tumang. Dayang Sumbi was very angry at Sangkuriang. He hit the favourite son, even melemparinya with stones so that the child's head on. Dayang Sumbi decided to expel Sangkuriang.

After Sangkuriang go, Dayang Sumbi feel sorry to what he already did. He always mengangis, and pray reunited again with her favourite son. He asked long life and youthful to be met by sangkuriang. Prayer Dayang Sumbi ever answered, it remains beautiful and ageless even though he is old.

At one time he met with the young man who is very handsome. The young man was enchanted beauty owned Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi ever feel amazed with the good looks of the youth. They both love weaves the pun. Handsome young man asked Dayang Sumbi to become his wife. And at the same time, Dayang Sumbi saw a similar scar on the head of young man with scars that are on the head of Sangkuriang.

Dayang Sumbi shocked and feel any panic. He told the young man that he was, his mother. But the young man could not believe, because where a mother may still look like a girl. Dayang Sumbi tried to explain it on the young man that he believes, but not at all in the gubrisnya, even the young man insisted to marry Dayang Sumbi.

Dayang Sumbi else feel confused, he eventually mungajukan the terms of the illogical on the youth. If wanted to marry her, the man should make the Lake along with a very large boat overnight, on the pretext of himself like to sail the next day.

Heard a request from Dayang Sumbi youth feel confused, but due to his love, he menyanggupinya. The young man, that is, with persistent sangkuriang made Lake along with a very big boat. Towards morning, Sangkuriang was almost complete. But on the other hand, Dayang Sumbi, pray that the sun rises faster. And finally prayer Dayang Sumbi pun, Sun rises faster and has not successfully completed the improvements of Sangkuriang. Sangkurian ever got angry and kicked the boat that he had made to reverse right in the midst of the Lake. From the boat that overturned, then called Tangkuban Perahu. Indeed if we examine carefully, the shape of the mountain resembles a boat that capsized.

Travel route to Tangkuban Perahu

to be able to come to the tourist attractions of Mount Tangkuban Perahu is very easy. For those of you that came out of the area, you can advance tansit in Bandung. From Bandung city You need to travel to Subang direction, towards the North of Bandung. Distance fare is around 20 km away. And needs no dizziness, arriving there are many public transportation awaits you, if you do not bring private vehicle.

On the way to Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, you will be welcomed as a flock of pine trees that lined up with kokohnya. As well as the expanse of green tea gardens will add to the beauty of your trip.

Activities that can be done on Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Mount Tangkuban Perahu have ever erupted several times. This led to the formation of the crater – the crater which is quite a lot. But among the craters, the crater – there are 3 of the most famous crater than others. They are Upas crater crater, crater, and the Queen's amulet. Among the famous crater third at Mt. Tangkuban Perahu, the largest crater is the Queen. As the name implies, this crater as being Queen in the area of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. Its beauty, can attract the tourists that visit. Beautiful views you can see here. With a puff of smoke, sulfur from the crater, as well as combined uniquely color yellow rocks that adorn the area around the crater.

In addition to offering beautiful views, this crater is also very easy to traverse, so no wonder visitors always took themselves to come. With the use of a private car or by rental car. When they arrived there, you can get around the horses. This crater fenced wood, because given the depth of the crater

to the extreme. In addition, the surrounding area of the crater, lined stalls selling a variety of stalls – souvenir ala mountains. Such as masks, hats, gloves, scarves, and also handicrafts made from wood. There are also stalls providing food potluck for hungry bellies. Scotch

Furthermore there is a crater located side by side with yaang Upas crater Queen. Upas crater to look more shallow and small, the roads are impassable to the crater as well is not easy. You must pass a steep sand seas. So not surprisingly, visitors at the crater Upas only a handful of people, considering its a fairly difficult.

And last there is the crater Domas. This crater is different with the crater – other craters in the area of Tangkuban Perahu. Here you can view the crater from a point very near. In contrast to the Queen of the crater could only be seen from a distance and limited picket fence. The crater Domas can you do test the heat of the crater, with boiled eggs. Very interesting and worth a visit.

The area surrounding mount Tangkuban Perahu, overgrown trees Manarasa. This tree is red and the leaves are efficacious to treat acute diarrhea. But uniquely, Manarasa leaf is believed to be able to make one youthful. According the legend of Dayang Sumbi, mengkosumsi who always leaves that he stay beautiful and youthful.

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